Far be it from me to sound even vaguely critical of the new President of the Western World. I am a fan. I really am.
However, I have been rather puzzled about the curious silence about the fact that he stole his campaign catch-phrase from Bob the Builder. As you can see from the clip, the general vibe is not dissimilar.Is it just too obvious a joke, or was this the the elephant in the room we are all too polite to mention? Surely it's not genuine reverence that is preventing wholesale exploitation of this all-too-obvious source of mockery? That would just be wrong.
A little look on YouTube suggests that the answer may be more prosaic. All of the clips by people that look like they may be trying to use the joke seem to have been withdrawn. The sad little messages left behind suggest that Bob's owners may have been throwing threats of legal action around rather liberally.
I wonder if Hits Entertainment are planning to sue Obama for stealing it in the first place? I hope not. I am sure that The Pres will have asked Bob if he can borrow it first. I think they might be cousins. They do have the same ears.
Sushi making class at Buddha Bellies
6 years ago
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