I am now officially enrolled in a beginners drawing class. The shopping list just arrived in the mail, with lovely things on it like "willow charcoal" and "putty rubber". I barely know what they are, to be honest, but they sound nice. The confirmation e-mail is very reassuring in stating that you don't have to know what you are doing. That's good, because it would be embarassing to be expelled from a course that is only five days long.
So, further to my previous about soul-selling, in the absence of a buyer for my artistic soul, I have just decided to go and give it away. Fans of
Adam Smith out there may well conclude that this is a perfectly demonstrates the demand curve in action. Hence, I have started another blog. Well, less of a blog really than an
on-line drawing diary. I don't actually expect anyone to look at it, but I probably will, occasionally, and you are welcome to if you would like. Its listed at the blog-list side thingy on the left here.
Its mostly so I can track what happens next. Having started at the absolute bottom with no knowledge or experience whatsoever, the improvement curve is still feeling steep, which feels good. This is in stark contrast to the whole Writing Thing, where the law of diminishing returns has cut in to a truly alarming degree. Drawing, I have no expectations whatsoever of producing anything of any value at all (again, unlike The Writing Thing) so its absolutely impossible for me to be disappointed by the outcome. I don't even care whether or not its original, so I can draw little pictures of Batman to my hearts content, if I like. So there.
More importantly, as my recent personal history has demonstrated, sooner or later all one's belongings end up in a mini-skip far away, so cyberspace seems a pretty good place to stow them. And you don't have to pay excess baggage.
P.S. Adam Smith is, by the by, another of Scotland's many contributions to the world.