Once upon a time, I belonged to a novel workshopping group that was one of the lovely little green shoots that sprang out of the fertile ground of RMIT's Professional Writing and Editing course.
In the few years since that group ceased, two of the four of us have had new work published. Pretty good average, I reckon.
Adam Ford's new book of poetry 'The Third Fruit' has just been published by Picaro Press. Although I haven't got hold of a copy myself yet, I am sure it will live up to the stellar standards of his previous work. More info at his website. Stay tuned for launch details.
Last year, another member of that little cohort, Caroline Hamilton, published Consumed, (ABC Books) which was gestating away during that brief period. We even discussed the manuscript occasionally, and not very helpfully, when we weren't eating and drinking and generally conversing in a not particularly focussed way. The cover features a particularly fetching looking apple. I am not sure what number fruit that is. You can read an interview with Caroline about the book in the view from here magazine.
I find them all very impressive. I find my short story workshopping group, which is still going strong, even more impressive. But that's a story for another day....
Happy New Year, everyone. May it be full of joy.
HNY, Bridge.
It is inspiring to see our folks getting published isn't it? Always acts as a good kick in the pants to get your own stuff going on... Ahem, better get back to it.
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